CALP Lime Subsidy Program

The Climate Adaptation Leadership Program (CALP) have developed a new CALP Lime Subsidy Program for Nova Scotia Cattle and Sheep Producers in good standing.

“Good standing” indicates you are either:

  • a 2024 Nova Scotia Cattle Grower License holder (meaning 2023 & 2022 levies have been reported and paid), OR
  • a SPANS current member (meaning tags were purchased from Nova Scotia supplier within the last three years).

Cattle and sheep producers are eligible for $15/ton of lime purchases for pre-approval (to a max. of 150 tonnes).

Application Process:

  • Applications will be accepted until September 30, 2024
  • Approvals will be issued as applications are received until the maximum funding has been allocated.
  • Claims will be accepted until December 31, 2024 but can be submitted anytime after approval is received.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Either a 2024 Nova Scotia Cattle Grower License holder OR a SPANS current member
  • Complete and return application
  • Provide copies of soil analysis or Nutrient Management Plan as part of the application

A Soil Analysis or Nutrient Management Plan, within the last three years, supporting the requirement for limestone must also be supplied (soil analysis must include Premises Identification (PID) number or civic address for each sample.)