Author Archives: SPANS

Baycox 5% Now Approved to Prevent signs of Coccidiosis

Bayer HealthCare is pleased to announce Baycox® 5% is now approved to prevent clinical signs of coccidiosis and to reduce coccidian shedding in lambs caused by Eimeria crandallis and Eimeria ovinoidalis. Canadian veterinarians and producers can now use Baycox 5% to protect lambs from the infection and avoid serious economic losses. In 2010, Health Canada […]

SPANS Annual Meeting January 25, 2014

The Annual General Meeting of the Sheep Producers’ Association of Nova Scotia will be on Saturday January 25, 2014 at the Onslow Belmont Fire Hall in Lower Onslow (almost directly across from Green Diamond).  Registration will start at 9:30am and is $15 which includes morning refreshments and lunch (lamb chili or chicken soup).  The meeting […]

New Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) and the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) are pleased to announce the release of the new Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep. The Code is available electronically at “The Canadian Sheep Federation is pleased to have been part of the sheep Code of Practice […]

CSF Holds Annual General Meeting

The Canadian Sheep Federation held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday and Thursday November 20-21 in Ottawa, Ontario.  This national meeting brought together representatives from the sheep industry across the country to discuss current and emerging issues. Please see below for the CSF Annual Report in PDF. CSF Annual Report 2013  [PDF]

Sheep Biosecurity

Dear Sheep Producer, In the past few weeks you have received a copy of the Canadian Sheep On-Farm Biosecurity and Implementation Manual.  This manual was a collaborative effort between the Canadian sheep industry as led by the Canadian Sheep Federation in partnership with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.  If you have questions regarding this information, […]

Canadian Forage & Grassland Association Survey

Using Survey Monkey the CFGA has developed an internet based survey aimed at those who purchase and utilize forage crops in their businesses (farm, processing, reclamation etc.). The CFGA views feedback from end users of forage seed as an essential component for the development of a Canadian forage variety testing strategy. Ongoing independent forage variety […]