Category Archives: Industry News & Events

Nova Scotia Farm Environmental Stewardship Award

The Nova Scotia Farm Environmental Stewardship Award is now accepting applications for 2015. This is the seventh year for this annual award, which showcases the outstanding stewardship efforts of farms and elevates public awareness of sustainable farming practices across the province.  The deadline for receiving applications is midnight on June 30th, 2015. Applications will be […]

Budget and NSDA Staff Changes

The creation of the new Department of Business is a major change, the press release for this can be found here. In the release it speaks of three Strategic areas for the Department: Business Strategy and Planning Strategic Projects and Investments Operational Leadership, Co-ordination and Alignment: The Department of Agriculture budget looks very close to […]

Ag Connect 2015

Join Agri-Futures Nova Scotia for an exciting new summit called Ag.Connect 2015; designed to target farmers, researchers, students, government, not-for profits, commodity organizations and professionals from agriculture, aquaculture, and related industries; to find synergies and to learn, discuss, and challenge research and innovation in the Atlantic Region. The theme for the Summit is “Planting Ideas, […]

Train-the-Trainer on Safe Agricultural Practices

March 18th 9am – 4pm Best Western Glengarry, Truro Farm Safety Nova Scotia and Canadian Farmers with Disabilities Registry are partnering to offer the one-day workshop to farmers and industry stakeholders at no cost. This training is geared toward anyone involved in the agricultural industry that is required to communicate safe farm practices to youth, […]

Colchester County Silage Plastic Recycling Pilot Project

The use of silage plastic has improved livestock feed production by improving feed quality and by providing an alternative storage option.  Unfortunately, disposing of silage plastic is a big challenge.  Burning silage plastic emits toxic chemicals and leaves toxic residues in the soil which can persist for many years.  Under the Environment Act, burning of […]

Breckrow Farm Named SPANS Producer of the Year

Breckrow Farm is a 7th generation dairy and sheep farm located in Goshen owned and operated by Bruce and Dianne Sinclair. Along with their four children they raise purebred Suffolks and North Country Cheviots. Bruce and Dianne have been avid promoters of the sheep industry in Nova Scotia and across the country. Across Canada Breckrow […]

The Agricultural Sandbox

Invest a week-end, learn about entrepreneurship and jump start agri-business!  Save the date- January 16-18, 2015!  To find out more or to register go to: Do you have an idea that may solve a problem for farmers or food consumers? Have you been chewing on a possible business opportunity that could grow your operation? […]