Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep

The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) is pleased to announce that the Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) has initiated an update to the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep. The update will be guided by NFACC’s Code development process.

The Code development process includes a survey, launched at the outset of each Code, to capture top-of-mind welfare concerns from any and all stakeholders. The input received will help the Code Development Committee understand the kinds of issues people wish to see considered in the update. Everyone is invited to participate; the survey for this Code will be open until July 25, 2024 and is available at

“Canadian sheep farmers are dedicated to providing the best life possible for all classes of sheep in their care. With emerging technologies and changes to production practices, it is time to use a science informed process to revise and rewrite the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep. The Canadian Sheep Federation looks forward to working with our partners at NFACC to create a new Code to guide our industry in the production of market lambs, breeding stock, milk and wool for the next decade,” added Fred Baker, CSF Board member and Code Committee Chair.

Canada’s Codes of Practice provide critical guidance for the care and handling of farm animals. They reflect our national understanding of animal care requirements and recommended practices and serve as educational tools, reference materials for regulations, and the foundation for farm animal care assessment programs.

“The NFACC Code development process supports people with varied views on animal welfare to come together with a shared commitment and common goal of achievable advances in farm animal welfare,” said Hans Kristensen, Chair of NFACC. “Codes of Practice support progress in animal welfare and the sustainability of Canadian animal agriculture.”

Five Codes – beef cattle, equine, pig, sheep, and poultry – are being updated. The pullet and layer Code is being amended. Visit for more details and a timeline outlining the steps and progress made on the respective Codes.

For more information, read the full press release: Canadian Sheep Federation News Release